Here we would be on the north side of the forum, the original forum reaches this double wall, and this building that will enter now built invading the public space of the square and has a chronology of VI-VII century AD It is a church of small dimensions, with a single nave and a disproportionate square apse on the eastern side much larger than the space ship and the shape of the plant can be related to a monastic community as we we reveal some parallels floor of the building, in any case this construction signs that began with a big budget and a major sponsorship, because the apse is well built, has two huge pillars at the junction with ships, four pillars smaller in the apse and it seems that was covered with a dome half,however when the time to build the ship you do is tap an ancient Roman building on the north side of the forum and the ship uses a much poorer areas than in the apse, the most important element of this church, it comes cancel in the paleo-Christian rite faithful are prohibited from accessing the altar, so that there is a wall that physically prevents access the faithful into the apse, but this wall has a number of element which allow the faithful to see the rite and can not enter into the room where if can enter the priests. From this we cancel some architectural remains are in the museum of asset that are a series of columns made of stone which probably belonged to an arcade that probably served as communication between the two rooms. This small monastic community know that dig into the eastern side of the forum we suspect is an open space that we believe was used as a cemetery, as this small community is ruined very soon and church dismantled and converted into a production agricultural, begin to close on, accesses are changed, one of the original set of the church is closed this double wall is built because probably had fallen from the roof, one of the sunsets from the entrance to the apse, thus closes indicates that the church has lost its sacred function and has become a space for grain storage, stables, a site of grazing and decades after the space is completely abandoned and left to have squatters at the site of Cerro Cepero.